Monday 3 December 2012

When we let fear rule us we make it more powerful than God

When we let fear rule us, we make it more powerful than God.  It is amazing how easy it can be to allow fear to determine the actions that you take.  Fear of results, fear of what others will think, and many other circumstantial fears, guide our decisions and life steps.  What a sad reality.  It is scary to think of all that one could accomplish in life if they were to simply trust God and refuse to allow fear to determine their actions.  I must ensure that it is God alone that is guiding my steps.  I must make sure that I am surrendered to what He wants me to do, for His ways have always proven to be the best course of action for my life.  And besides, if He calls me to something, He will always provide the strength and circumstances needed to accomplish the task.  These are God's truths, and I know that I have seen them proven over and over again in my life, so I'm not sure why I struggle with trust and obedience so often.

I want God to rule my life, not fear.  In order for this to happen, I need to continually seek His will and surrender myself to Him, reminding myself that His ways are always best, and that He has never failed to prove this to me over and over again in my life.

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