Tuesday 18 March 2014

Guardrails to protect your marriage

1.  Don't travel with members of the opposite sex

2.  Don't have meals alone with members of the opposite sex

3.  Don't try and fix people of the opposite sex.  If they need help, get them help, but it is not wise for you yourself to provide that help.

4.  If you feel like you are being tempted or drawn toward someone, FLEE!  And also go and tell someone to keep you accountable.  In would go as far as to say it isnwise to flee and tell someone if you even feel like you are starting to enjoy the company of someone from the opposite sex more than what is normal (I.e.  more than the common family friend).

5.  Don't confide, or allow yourself to be confided in, by members of the opposite sex.

6.  If you ever get into a situation where you feel like you are trapped in one of these situations, first do everything you can to get out of it, and second make sure you make a phone call to tell your spouse and do this immediately.

7.  Ask yourself in every dealing with the opposite sex, "Would I feel comfortable revealing everything about this situation to my spouse?". The answer needs to ALWAYS be yes.  If the answer is getting even close to no, then you must RUN from that situation.

8.  Don't be alone anywhere with anyone of the opposite sex.

9.  Don't talk about personal or sensitive issues with members of the opposite sex.

10.  Don't joke too much with mvers of the opposite sex.  Sticking to one joke a meeting is probably a good principle to follow.

11.  Know yourself and set up any other guardrails that you feel are important for you to follow.

These will seem extreme to society, but they are not.  They are wise.  After all, these are the things that we all want our spouse and children to follow, so of course we should do these things ourselves.

It is important to realize that our society baits us to get involved with sexual immorality.  Just look at media in our culture.  They bait us and then scold if people actually succumb.  Therefore, it is extremely important to set up guardrails which are VERY FAR from the line of what is inappropriate.  This makes sure that you never get tons point that you shouldn't be in.  It also ensures that if you bump onto one of your guardrails, your conscience feels terrible.  It feels as if you have done something very sinful.  This is a good thing if you have set your guardrails up properly.  A proper guardrail is in a place that is not sinful, but again, since it is a meaningful guardrail to protect yourself and those you love, you should feel terrible.

I love Brie so incredibly much.  And because of this I don't care if people think I am crazy or extreme in following these guardrails.  They are not extreme, they are wise, and lead to a happier, more blessed marriage.  Why wouldn't I keep these?  It would be stupid not to.

In general, when it comes to decisions and guardrails, it is important to always make wise decisions right from the start.  Once you give in to temptation once, it makes it easier to give in again, while at the same time it makes it more difficult to go back and stop resisting temptation.  Set your boundaries and always stick into them right from the start.

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