Tuesday 22 July 2014

Authentic Manhood series notes

33 Men's Bible Study Notes

Tell your kids the following 4 things...
I love you
I will never lie to you
I will stick with you until you are grown
There are boundaries, don't cross them

Important to give kids the above because then you are providing emotional support, truth, security and discipline

I am a man.  I am called to take care of myself and my family.  I have to stop allowing Brie to take care of me.  That is being a lazy little boy.

Is being married to me a blessing?  How can I make myself better.  I need to identify these things and put them into action.

Men go through seasons of life.  We need to plan for those seasons by seeing how others planned for them before us and then following those plans which have been proven to lead to success.  When I make a plan I need to do so with the end in mind.  I need to seek God for where He would have me go and then make a plan for his to get there.  Now He may not always tell me exactly where He would have me go or how He would have me get there, but I must still seek and then trust Him to lead me and accomplish the purposes that He has for me.  As long as I am remaining obedient to God and His Word then I am in his will.

Seek out mentors who are in the next stage if life so that I can learn from them.

What we sow in one season we will reap in another season

In order to budget my time appropriately between work, family and God, I must create margins.  It is good to work hard, but I must have margins so that I can go between these responsibilities smoothly and with appropriate ease

Seasons of life:
Spring - 18-20 - becoming a man
Summer- 20-30 - growth
Fall - 40-60 - influence
Winter -60 plus - sage/champion/coach

As a man I must always:
Reject passivity
Accept responsibility
Lead courageously
Invest eternally

In order to do these things, as well as to serve God in general, it is not so much about working harder and straining harder to serve God.  This is important, however, this all is most effectively done when we are in such great communion with God that we serve and live effectively for Him naturally, out of the strength and ability that comes from being in constant communication with Him.  Being in constant communication with Him also seeks to effectively motivate me to joyfully live for and serve Him.

The goal of life should be to try and make God look as great as He is by living for Him and loving Him and in doing so serving others.

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