Tuesday 18 June 2013

The Bible is not only good teaching

Anytime I have ever had any success in life it is because of God.  It is because of the fact that I am trying to do that which He instructs me to in His Word.  Some people say that the Bible is simply good teaching/lessons, and that is it.  This is not true however, because the entire message of the Bible, with all of its teachings, revolve around, and through, Jesus.  Without Jesus being the Son of God, the entire message of the Bible, along with all of its teachings is worthless.  The Bible is clear in teaching that in order for people to change, and adopt the teachings of the Bible, we need to rely on the Holy Spirit living within us to change us.  I have always noticed this in my own life.  Never can I think of a time where I have said, "Okay, by my own will-power, I am going to change in this way or that way".  It has always been, "Okay God, I know that Your Word calls me to change in this way, but I need your help.  As I do my part and put forth my best effort, please change me.  Change my heart so that I can become these ways that you have called me". 

Without Jesus, and the His Holy Spirit, the lessons of the Bible are meaningless to us, because there is no true change without the Lord.