It is important to always be aligning ourselves with Christ in obedience. When we align ourselves in these ways, it positions us to be used by the Lord and to be guided by Him more smoothly due to the fact that I am not getting in the way.
A couple really good analogies from Dr. Tony Evans are as follows. When a father takes his young child in his lap and let's them steer the golf cart, the father is controlling the pedal and the brake. He is also holding a couple fingers at the bottom of the wheel. This so that the child can still experience driving, have fun, but be kept safe and get to the destination. As Christians we need to position ourselves in our Father's lap. We need to enjoy doing our best, but surrender to His overall guidance, protection and wisdom. We must allow Himsurrendered where He wants me, otherwise I will most certainly crash and definitely not end up where is best.
Another great analogy from Dr. Evans has to do with how we as Christians can be far too easily pleased, and how we often feel like we know what is best. We are like the daughter who asks her daddy for a nickel, but all he has is a twenty. He wants to give her the great gift of the twenty dollar bill, but she gets cranky and upset because she had her eyes set on the nickel. She doesn't understand the fact that the twenty is many times greater a gift than the nickel. It is so important to remained surrendered and allow God to lead us where He wants us. He has "plans to prosper is, five us a hope and a future". We must not be so ignorant and set our sights on the nickels we think we want in life, but rather wait patiently on the Lord and surrender to Him and allow Him to lead us to the place of good and prosperity that He has for us. Stop thinking you know what is best for you. Stop thinking you would be happy with your goals and dreams (unless For is leading you to them). Allow God to lead you to where He wants you. That leads to the greatest joy.
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