Tuesday 14 January 2014

Work as Worship

Pursue excellence for God's glory

Spend my time striving to serve those who will never be able to pay me back.  Do this for God's glory and store up treasures in heaven in doing so.  I must be using the gifts and opportunities God has blessed me with to serve him and others.

What if people judged a relationship with God by how they saw me work?  Am I reflecting Him well?

My focus in work needs to be about serving God, and a big part of this is done through serving others.  I must not be looking for what I can get out of things, but rather using my talents and circumstances to glorify the Lord.  I must be responsible with the talents He has blesses me with, as well as the circumstances.

Having these attitudes will make work so much more fulfilling because I am finding pleasure in God rather than earthly rewards.

Serving those who will never be able to pay you back is what Jesus did.  I must always do the same.  That is what God has created me to do.

Matthew 6:33 states that when we focus on pleasing God in all things then "all these things will be added unto you".  In other words, we are called to ensure that our only focus is to please the God at all times and in all things.  When we make that our only focus, He will add everything else we need to us.  What an amazing truth this is.  We can make our ficus on pleasing and honoring God and then rest knowing that all things will work out for us because God will take care of everything else in our lives.  There is tremendous peace in that.

This relates to work and all other pursuits.  When we focus on honoring God, and that is our only focus, we can then allow Him to take care of everything else (i.e. results, money, approval, how others view us, success, etc.). I get so pumped to think that this is what God calls us to.  He calls us to do everything in a way which will lead to greater peace, securitu , happiness and blessing.

In work, hobbies and anything else we must make sure that we use work as a means of worshipping God.  It is extremely important that we never get this backward and start worshipping these things themselves.  When our thoughts are continually on these things and our identity becomes rooted in them, we have croosed the line where we have started to worship them.  They have become idols and have drawn out attention away from God.  We must worship God with these things.  Honoring Him with them must always be the focus.

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