Wednesday 28 December 2011

You Can't Witness Too Much

-Psalm 34

I was talking with my buddies last night about Tim Tebow and the witness that he has.  I was sharing with them about how I wonder if it is possible to be "over the top", or "too much" with your faith and sharing it.  I know this sounds bad, but it was a question I wanted to seek answers to.  Then today my friend Dave sent me a text about Psalm 34, specifically verses 1-3 and how they help answer this question.  God shows us here that the answer is "no", you cannot witness too much, and you cannot be too over the top.  David says in this passage that he "will praise the Lord at all times, I will constantly speak His praises".  David also was known to have danced in the street for the Lord, and this is the man whom God referred to as a man after His own heart.  It is clear that you cannot witness nor speak God's praises "too much", especially if dancing publicly in the streets is seen as righteous.

With this said, God has given us a brain so that we would use it.  I don't believe that God's Word is telling us to go out and pester people.  We are to "speak the truth in love".  The Bible also says, "They will know you are Christians by your love".  I believe part of witnessing is realizing that many situations and circumstances will be different, and we need to rely on God's wisdom and strength to know how to go about each of those various situations.  At the same time, God calls us to be pumped and excited and never ashamed about what we share in our relationship with Him, and so we should be like David, and be constantly speaking His praises.  We should be excited about Him at all times, and if this is truly the case, then we will be excited to tell others about Him and to share the good news of the gospel. 

These are things that I must get better at.  I must be more willing to publicly praise the Lord, and to be praising Him, both publicly and privately at all times.  Although I must never seek to rub people the wrong way or annoy them, at the same time, I must not care what other people think.  I must only ever care what the Lord thinks, and therefore, I must at all times be pumped and excited about Him, singing His praises and be proud about what I have with Him.  I must be living in such a way whereby people will see the excitement I have in Jesus so that they too will realize how amazing a relationship with Him really is, and hopefully decide to begin one with Him themselves.  I must never shy away from an opportunity to share Christ with others.  I must make the most of every opportunity, for you never know how God may use your circumstances to draw someone to themselves and save them from eternal damnation in hell.

Too often in my life I have been worried about what other people think.  I have been concerned that if I give all credit to God for the good things in my life, or draw attention to my relationship with Him, that I may rub people the wrong way.  I need to stop this immediately!  King David, and Jesus Christ Himself, Who's example I am to follow at all times, were always giving glory to God, speaking about Him plainly.  Their relationship with God was the most important thing about them and because of it they were always speaking with others about Him.  I need to be this way too.  I know that I need to seek God's wisdom for if there are particular circumstances where it is wisest to go about things a certain way, but overall, I must not care what people think.  I must only care what the Lord thinks.  I am not ashamed of Him, and so the way I carry myself and the conversations I have with others, and my willingness to speak with others about Him, and my willingness to give Him all the glory, honour and praise for all good things in my life to Him, must not speak otherwise.

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